A more recent story from last month - Penguins

Created by Kelly 10 years ago
We went to visit Auntie Janet as normal, the tv was on and she was staring at it but not looking at us, I asked whats wrong? I thought something had upset her....She was all teary but NO Penguins were on, she loved them, she was crying cause they were so "cute and fluffy" she said. The documentary I'd seen the week before involving mother penguins, baby pengiuns and the eating of cute baby penguins... I said to her "you really shouldnt watch this, you will be scarred" - so i had to shout LOOK AWAY every time the gruesome part came on as she would have had nightmares.. she screwed up her eyes and looked away everytime i yelled, she was so cute, as was the penguins she adored.... awww xx
